Jolasers Investigations Have Over 16 Years Experience Conducting Complex Workplace Misconduct Investigations in Melbourne.
Many companies assign their HR representative to lead a misconduct investigation in Melbourne. This works occasionally but is generally regarded as a poor strategy.
A HR investigation of workplace misconduct is the best example of why third parties are needed. To be successful, an investigation must be independent and impartial, with no connections to either party.
Because the external investigator is coming in without any previous involvement, and initially are not as familiar with the situation as employees, and can ask follow-up queries that might otherwise be missed.
An external investigator is the best way to ensure that this occurs. A qualified investigator can ask tough questions with minimum negative reactions, thus getting the whole story.
Call 0418 101 164 to discuss your workplace misconduct investigation needs.

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Jolasers Investigations are Melbourne THE Experts in All Things Related to workplace misconduct investigations in Melbourne. Do yourself a favor and get in touch with us right now.

Info Regarding Work Place Misconduct Investigations In Melbourne?
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External Misconduct Investigations: How to Protect Your Company
Misconduct at work can be defined in many different ways. Depending on the industry and company, misconduct can take on many different forms. Some examples of misconduct include intentional wrongdoing, unethical behavior, failure to report a breach or violation of a company policy. In some cases, it can also involve a conflict of interest that interferes with an individual’s ability to make unbiased business decisions.
Each type of misconduct has the potential to significantly impact a company as well as its employees and customers. When it comes to preventing misconduct at work, not all companies are able to anticipate when an employee may engage in inappropriate behavior. However, there are steps you can take proactively to protect your organization from any risks related to employee conduct or performance.
Know and understand your company’s policies
When a misconduct investigation begins, the first step an HR representative or manager takes is to determine whether the employee’s actions violate company policy. In order to do so, they must know the company’s policies inside and out. Depending on the level of misconduct, your company may have a pre-existing policy or procedure in place to guide you through the investigation and disciplinary process.
If your company does not have a policy in place for a specific type of misconduct, you will need to create one. In order to create an effective policy, you will want to ask yourself a few key questions. First, you want to determine whether the misconduct falls under the category of employment policy at all.
Some misconduct is not directly related to an employee’s job and would fall under the category of standard human behavior. While this type of misconduct may not be ideal, it may not warrant disciplinary action from the company.
Train managers and employees on misconduct procedures and expectations
Having a clear understanding of company expectations and procedures will help managers and employees to avoid misconduct. In the event that misconduct does occur, it will help to have a clear procedure in place to guide the investigation process.
Misconduct and violations of company policies can be hard to identify, especially when they occur behind closed doors or online. In some cases, an employee may not know that their actions are considered misconduct or that they have violated a company policy.
You may be able to avoid disciplinary action or an investigation by having a quick, impromptu training session. When it comes to providing training to your managers, you may want to consider online trainings or educational modules. This can help to ensure that all your managers have the same level of understanding of company policies and expectations.
Implement regular trainings and workshops to reinforce company values and expectations
Regular trainings are a great way to reinforce your company’s values and expectations among your employees and managers. When it comes to misconduct, you want to make sure that your employees are aware of how their actions may impact the company. This includes the potential consequences for their actions.
In some cases, you may want to provide additional trainings or workshops that focus entirely on preventing misconduct. Misconduct is often a natural part of human behavior, so it is important to discuss what types of behavior are considered appropriate and inappropriate in the workplace.
Be transparent with your employees regarding the reasons you are implementing new policies or procedures
An employee may feel as though they have been unfairly targeted by a company policy change or disciplinary action. In this situation, they may be tempted to assume that they were targeted unfairly. If you are implementing a new policy or procedure, be transparent with your employees regarding the reasons behind it.
This is your opportunity to ensure that all employees understand why the change has been made. Having a clear understanding of the reasoning behind a policy change may help employees to avoid misconduct in the future or avoid any feelings of unfairness.
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What You Need To Know About Workplace Misconduct and FAQs
When an employee engages in conduct that is unbecoming of a company’s standards, it can become a serious problem for the business.
In the event that an employee’s conduct creates a hostile work environment or poses a risk to their fellow employees, the organization may need to take action to maintain its reputation and protect its employees.
Here are some things you need to know about workplace misconduct and FAQs related to this topic.
What is workplace misconduct?
Workplace misconduct occurs when an employee engages in behavior that is unbecoming of a company’s standards, whether it be during work hours or in a business context.
Examples of workplace misconduct can include aggressive or violent behaviors, discriminatory actions or harassment, theft, fraud, violation of company policy, or negligence on the part of an employee.
Even if the conduct is not malicious in nature, it can still be considered misconduct if it is in violation of company standards. In many cases, misconduct can lead to termination or another disciplinary action. Other examples of misconduct include falsifying work history or credentials, having a criminal record with a violent history, or having a history of misconduct at previous jobs.
Types of workplace misconduct
There are many potential types of workplace misconduct that could lead to termination or disciplinary action, depending on the severity of the situation.
Depending on the issue, the organization may choose to enact counseling or a written warning as a first step. A written warning is documentation of the misconduct and the steps that the employee needs to take to correct it. It is also a record that can be referenced in the future if the misconduct continues or if there are any questions about the issue.
There are a few different types of misconduct that can lead to termination, depending on the circumstances.
Below are a few examples:
- Discrimination – Discrimination occurs when an employee treats a person or group of people differently than others based on their characteristics or traits.
- Harassment – Harassment occurs when an employee makes another person feel uncomfortable or unsafe at work based on certain characteristics, such as their gender, sexual orientation, race, etc.
- Negligence – Negligence occurs when an employee is negligent in their duties or responsibilities, leading to a negative outcome.
- Theft – Theft occurs when an employee is caught stealing company property or resources, or is suspected of stealing.
- Violation of company policy – A violation of company policy occurs when an employee breaks a rule or regulation of the company.
- Violation of company standards – A violation of company standards occurs when an employee does something that goes against the core values of the business.
When is workplace misconduct illegal?
There are certain types of workplace misconduct that are illegal, such as discrimination based on certain characteristics and harassment based on those same characteristics. When an employee engages in behavior that is illegal, they have broken the law and the organization may need to take action to protect itself and its employees.
If it is determined that an employee broke a law while working for your business, the organization may need to report it to law enforcement and terminate the employee, depending on the circumstances. Some examples of illegal misconduct include discrimination, harassment, theft, and breaking a non-compete clause.
Telephone: 0418 101 164 (Stephen Oliver)
Email: stephen.oliver@jolasers.com.au
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