workplace investigation

Resolve Employee Complaints with A Professional External Workplace Investigation.

When an employee lodges an official complaint, conducting an internal investigation can be challenging. Internal investigations often lead to perceptions of bias, which can result in further dissatisfaction and allegations of unfair treatment.

Why Choose Jolasers Workplace Investigations?

Conducting an impartial workplace investigation is crucial to maintaining a fair and positive work environment. At Jolasers, we specialize in external workplace investigations, eliminating concerns about bias and ensuring a thorough, professional process.

Our Expertise:

    • Unbiased and Thorough: As an external team, we provide impartial investigations, preventing any perception of internal bias.
    • Professional Handling: We manage sensitive issues with discretion and fairness, understanding the complexities of workplace dynamics.
    • Comprehensive Reporting: Our detailed reports offer clear, unbiased insights to help you make informed decisions.

Prevent Escalation:

Official complaints can quickly escalate, leading to fractured working relationships and a toxic workplace atmosphere. Acting swiftly and fairly is essential to maintaining a harmonious work environment.

Protect Your Organization:

Avoid the risk of being accused of a biased investigation. Contact us today for a consultation and discover how our expert services can safeguard your organization from the potential fallout of workplace complaints and ensure fair resolutions for all parties involved.

Get in Touch:

Contact Jolasers Investigations now for a confidential chat about undertaking a workplace investigation. Ensure fairness and maintain a positive work environment with our professional services.

Contact Us Today!
Direct Line: 0418 101 164 



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Ballarat Workplace Investigations

We will provide you with an upfront quotation to undertake a professional workplace bullying investigation. Click on button below to get a quotation for your workplace investigation.

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Seeking Prompt Attention

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We are Waiting to Help With Your Workplace Investigation in Ballarat

We have many years experience investigating bullying and harassment claims in Ballarat. Click the link below to get in touch.

About Workplace Investigations Wagga

Ballarat Workplace Investigations are THE Experts in All Things Related to Ballarat workplace investigations. Do yourself a favor and get in touch with us right now.


Ballarat Workplace Bullying Investigation video

Stephen Oliver Senior Investigator
Stephen Oliver - Senior Workplace Investigator

Different types of workplace investigations undertaken by Jolasers

Discrimination InvestigationA discrimination investigation is conducted when an employee alleges unfair treatment based on protected characteristics such as race, gender, age, religion, or disability. The investigation aims to determine if discrimination has occurred and to take appropriate action to address it.
Harassment InvestigationHarassment investigations are initiated when an employee reports unwelcome behavior, such as verbal, physical, or sexual harassment, creating a hostile work environment. The investigation aims to gather evidence, interview relevant parties, and take necessary steps to prevent further harassment and ensure a safe workplace.
Retaliation InvestigationRetaliation investigations occur when an employee claims adverse actions were taken against them in response to engaging in protected activities, such as reporting misconduct or participating in a workplace investigation. The investigation aims to determine if retaliation occurred and to protect the employee from further harm.
Misconduct InvestigationMisconduct investigations are conducted when an employee is suspected of violating company policies, rules, or ethical standards. The investigation involves gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and determining the appropriate disciplinary actions, which may include warnings, suspensions, or termination.
Whistleblower InvestigationWhistleblower investigations are initiated when an employee reports illegal or unethical activities within the organization. The investigation aims to protect the whistleblower, gather evidence, and take appropriate actions to address the reported misconduct, which may involve legal measures or internal reforms.
Workplace Violence InvestigationWorkplace violence investigations are conducted when there are reports or concerns about threats, physical assaults, or other violent incidents in the workplace. The investigation aims to assess the situation, ensure employee safety, and implement preventive measures to mitigate the risk of future violence.
Jolasers Bullying harassment information

Info Regarding Work Place Bullying Investigations In Ballarat?

If you are trying to find more information on the below topics, you can find great information on this page.

  1. Ballart Workplace Bullying investigation.
  2. Ballarat Workplace Investigation.
  3. Workplace Harassment Investigations Ballarat.

Understanding Workplace Bullying and Harassment in Ballarat

Workplace investigations Ballarat often deal with bullying and harassment, which include verbal abuse, intimidation, and inappropriate comments or actions. These negative behaviours can be exhibited by supervisors, peers, or subordinates, leading to a hostile work environment. Victims of bullying and harassment experience significant stress, anxiety, and decreased job satisfaction, resulting in higher absenteeism and turnover rates.

Initial Stages of Complaints

Bullying and harassment complaints typically begin as informal grievances. An employee might confide in a colleague or a supervisor about their experiences, seeking support and resolution. If these initial concerns are not addressed seriously, it can lead to feelings of frustration and helplessness in the victim. Informal complaints often go undocumented, making it challenging to track the severity and frequency of incidents, which hinders future investigations and the establishment of a behaviour pattern.

Escalation of Complaints

When initial complaints are ignored or inadequately addressed, the situation can escalate. The victim may file a formal complaint, triggering an internal investigation. However, internal investigations can be perceived as biased, especially if the alleged bully holds a position of power. This perceived bias exacerbates the problem, leading to further dissatisfaction and potentially more aggressive behaviour from the bully. This ripple effect can create a tense and divided workplace atmosphere, negatively impacting overall morale and productivity.

Impact on Workplace Harmony

Unresolved bullying and harassment complaints can severely impact workplace harmony. Employees who feel unsafe or unsupported are less likely to engage fully in their work, leading to decreased productivity. A toxic work environment can result in increased absenteeism and high staff turnover rates. Additionally, the organization’s reputation may suffer, making it difficult to attract and retain top talent. A divided workplace hampers effective collaboration, affecting the company’s success and bottom line.

Legal and Financial Implications

Ineffective management of bullying and harassment complaints can lead to significant legal and financial repercussions. Victims may seek external remedies, such as lodging complaints with Fair Work Australia or taking legal action. This can result in costly legal battles, financial penalties, and damage to the organization’s reputation. Fair Work Australia takes such allegations seriously and has the authority to investigate and impose sanctions on organizations failing to provide a safe work environment. Legal costs and potential compensation payouts to victims can be substantial.

Effective Management and Resolution

To prevent the escalation of bullying and harassment complaints, employers in Ballarat should implement proactive measures and foster a supportive workplace culture. Here are some strategies to consider:

  1. Clear Policies and Procedures:
    Establish comprehensive anti-bullying and harassment policies outlining acceptable behaviours and the steps for reporting and addressing complaints. Ensure all employees are aware of these policies and understand their rights and responsibilities.

  2. Training and Education:
    Provide regular training sessions for employees and management on recognizing, preventing, and responding to bullying and harassment. Emphasize the importance of a respectful and inclusive work environment.

  3. Support Systems:
    Create support systems for victims, such as access to counselling services and confidential reporting channels. Encourage open communication and assure employees that their complaints will be taken seriously and handled confidentially.

  4. Impartial Investigations:
    Engage external experts to conduct impartial investigations into complaints. An independent investigation can provide a fair and unbiased assessment of the situation, helping to resolve issues effectively and prevent further escalation.

  5. Early Intervention:
    Address complaints promptly and take immediate action to stop inappropriate behaviour. Early intervention can prevent minor issues from escalating into major conflicts.

Fostering a Positive Workplace Culture

Workplace bullying and harassment are serious issues that can quickly escalate and disrupt harmony in Ballarat workplaces, often leading to a toxic environment. By understanding these problems and implementing proactive measures, employers can create a safe and supportive environment for all employees. Addressing complaints promptly and impartially is key to preventing escalation and maintaining a productive and harmonious workplace.


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How Long Has The Issue Been Happening

Frequently Asked Questions About Workplace Investigations

Workplace investigations can be stressful for both employees and employers. Employees may worry about their performance, feel unfairly scrutinized, or fear the impact on their career.

For employers, these investigations are often demanding and sensitive, requiring confidentiality and careful handling. To help navigate the challenges of workplace investigations more efficiently, we’ve prepared this FAQ guide to address some of the most common questions employers may have when initiating an investigation.

What is a Workplace Investigation?

Workplace investigations are designed to uncover facts, identify problems, and find solutions in response to specific events or complaints, such as bullying or sexual harassment allegations. These investigations follow a structured process to ensure fairness and adherence to organizational policies.

Why is an Investigation Necessary?

While informal resolutions can sometimes address issues, a formal investigation provides structure and ensures all concerns are addressed fairly. It also forms the basis for any necessary disciplinary actions. Companies often hire external investigators to avoid any perceived bias or favouritism.

How Long Does a Workplace Investigation Typically Take?

The duration of workplace investigations can vary, but most last between two and four weeks. Investigations triggered by specific events, such as allegations of bullying or harassment, tend to be shorter due to the urgency to resolve the matter. More complex investigations involving multiple issues or numerous employees may take longer to ensure thoroughness.

Who Can Participate in the Investigation?

Investigators will interview all individuals involved in the investigation, including witnesses. The more relevant people interviewed, the more detailed the final report will be. All interviewees are entitled to have a support person present to provide moral support, as discussing sensitive issues can be challenging.

What Are the Different Types of Workplace Investigations?

Workplace investigations generally fall into four categories: bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, and misconduct. Each investigation follows a similar process, starting with interviews of those who made the allegations, followed by witnesses, and finally, the individuals accused. The investigator then compiles the findings and presents them to the appropriate company personnel.

Can Employees Be Required to Participate in Investigations?

Yes, employees can be required to participate if their involvement is directly related to the issues being investigated. This may include providing documentation, written statements, or being interviewed. Employers should weigh the necessity and value of the employees’ input when deciding on participation.

Are There Requirements for Informing Employees About Investigations?

Employers should inform employees when an investigation is necessary to maintain transparency and build trust. Informing employees can also reduce the risk of retaliation against those being investigated.

Should Employers Comply with Employee Requests During an Investigation?

Employers should generally comply with reasonable employee requests during an investigation, provided they do not interfere with the process. For example, employees may request interviews to be conducted offsite or in private locations to ensure confidentiality. Employers should avoid any appearance of favouritism and provide alternative solutions if a request is deemed disruptive.

Can Disciplinary Action Be Taken as a Result of an Investigation?

Disciplinary actions can be taken following a thorough and complete investigation. These actions should be separate from the investigation process and can range from formal warnings to termination or even police referral in severe cases. It is crucial to ensure that any disciplinary action is based on well-documented findings and follows company policies and legal requirements.

For more detailed information or specific concerns about workplace investigations, contact our expert Ballarat workplace investigation team. We are committed to helping you navigate these challenging situations with professionalism and integrity.

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How Long Has The Issue Been Happening

Telephone: 0418 101 164 (Stephen Oliver)



workplace investigation

Has An Employee Made A Complaint That Needs To Be Investigated?

Have you had an employee lodge an official complaint which you going to find difficult to investigate internally? Are you concerned about the perception of bias because generally one party is going to end up unhappy with the outcome and will often allege they were treated unfairly if the investigation is conducted by a work colleague.  

Conducting an internal workplace investigation can be challenging. Employees may perceive the process as biased, leading to dissatisfaction and further complaints.

This perception of partiality can be especially problematic if the issue escalates to Fair Work Australia, potentially jeopardizing your company’s reputation and legal standing. Jolasers workplace investigation services undertake a lot of work in the Wagga area, and being an external company, we eliminate these concerns.

By utilizing an external, experienced team, you ensure an impartial, thorough, and professional investigation process. We understand the intricacies of a workplace investigation and are skilled in managing sensitive issues with discretion and fairness. Our comprehensive report and findings provide clear, unbiased insights that help you make informed decisions, and uphold a fair workplace environment.

Official complaints tend to quickly escalate as work colleagues take sides, and therefore it is essential to have the matter dealt with quickly and fairly, before working relationships are fractured beyond repair and the workplace atmosphere becomes toxic.  

Eliminate any chance of being accused of conducting a biased workplace investigation. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how our expert services can protect your organization from the potential fallout of a workplace complaint and ensure a fair resolution for all parties involved.

Contact Jolasers Investigations now for a confidential chat about undertaking a workplace investigation in Wagga Wagga.


Jolasers workplace investigation quotation
Wagga Wagga Workplace Investigations

We will provide you with an upfront quotation to undertake a professional workplace bullying investigation. Click on button below to get a quotation for your workplace investigation.

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Seeking Prompt Attention

Click the button below to contact us for prompt attention

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We are Waiting to Help With Your Workplace Investigation in Wagga Wagga

We have many years experience investigating bullying and harassment claims in Wagga Wagga. Click the link below to get in touch.

About Workplace Investigations Wagga

Wagga Workplace Investigations are THE Experts in All Things Related to Wagga workplace investigations. Do yourself a favor and get in touch with us right now.


Wagga Workplace Bullying Investigation video

Stephen Oliver Senior Investigator
Stephen Oliver - Senior Workplace Investigator

Different types of workplace investigations undertaken by Jolasers

Discrimination InvestigationA discrimination investigation is conducted when an employee alleges unfair treatment based on protected characteristics such as race, gender, age, religion, or disability. The investigation aims to determine if discrimination has occurred and to take appropriate action to address it.
Harassment InvestigationHarassment investigations are initiated when an employee reports unwelcome behavior, such as verbal, physical, or sexual harassment, creating a hostile work environment. The investigation aims to gather evidence, interview relevant parties, and take necessary steps to prevent further harassment and ensure a safe workplace.
Retaliation InvestigationRetaliation investigations occur when an employee claims adverse actions were taken against them in response to engaging in protected activities, such as reporting misconduct or participating in a workplace investigation. The investigation aims to determine if retaliation occurred and to protect the employee from further harm.
Misconduct InvestigationMisconduct investigations are conducted when an employee is suspected of violating company policies, rules, or ethical standards. The investigation involves gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and determining the appropriate disciplinary actions, which may include warnings, suspensions, or termination.
Whistleblower InvestigationWhistleblower investigations are initiated when an employee reports illegal or unethical activities within the organization. The investigation aims to protect the whistleblower, gather evidence, and take appropriate actions to address the reported misconduct, which may involve legal measures or internal reforms.
Workplace Violence InvestigationWorkplace violence investigations are conducted when there are reports or concerns about threats, physical assaults, or other violent incidents in the workplace. The investigation aims to assess the situation, ensure employee safety, and implement preventive measures to mitigate the risk of future violence.
Jolasers Bullying harassment information

Info Regarding Work Place Bullying Investigations In Wagga?

If you are trying to find more information on the below topics, you can find great information on this page.

  1. Bullying investigation Wagga.
  2. Wagga Workplace Investigation.
  3. Workplace Bullying Investigations Wagga.

The Nature of Workplace Bullying and Harassment.

Workplace bullying and harassment encompass a range of behaviours, including verbal abuse, intimidation, and inappropriate comments or actions. These behaviours can be perpetrated by supervisors, peers, or subordinates, and often create a hostile work environment. The victims of bullying and harassment experience significant stress, anxiety, and decreased job satisfaction, which can lead to higher absenteeism and turnover rates.

Initial Stages of Complaints

Complaints of bullying and harassment often start with informal grievances. An employee might confide in a colleague or a supervisor about their experiences, hoping for support and resolution. At this stage, if the issue is not taken seriously or handled appropriately, it can lead to feelings of frustration and helplessness in the victim.

In many cases, informal complaints are not documented, making it difficult to track the severity and frequency of the incidents. This lack of documentation can hinder any future investigation and make it challenging to establish a pattern of behaviour.

Escalation of Complaints

When initial complaints are ignored or inadequately addressed, the situation can quickly escalate. The victim may feel compelled to lodge a formal complaint, triggering an internal investigation. If the investigation is conducted internally by the organization, there is a risk of perceived or actual bias, especially if the alleged bully is in a position of power.

The perception of bias can significantly exacerbate the problem. Victims may feel that their concerns are not being taken seriously, leading to further dissatisfaction and potentially more aggressive behaviours from the bully. This escalation can create a ripple effect, affecting other employees who witness the harassment or are aware of the complaints. The workplace atmosphere can become tense and divided, leading to a decline in overall morale and productivity.

Impact on Workplace Harmony

The impact of unresolved bullying and harassment complaints on workplace harmony is profound. Employees who feel unsafe or unsupported are less likely to engage fully in their work, leading to decreased productivity. The overall work environment becomes toxic, which can result in increased absenteeism and high turnover rates. Moreover, the organization’s reputation can suffer, making it difficult to attract and retain top talent.

A divided workplace is not only detrimental to employee well-being but also to the organization’s success. Teams that are unable to collaborate effectively due to underlying tensions will struggle to meet their goals, impacting the company’s bottom line.

Legal and Financial Implications

If complaints of bullying and harassment are not managed effectively, they can lead to significant legal and financial repercussions. Victims may seek external remedies, such as lodging a complaint with Fair Work Australia or taking legal action. This can result in costly legal battles, financial penalties, and damage to the organization’s reputation.

Fair Work Australia takes allegations of workplace bullying and harassment seriously and has the authority to investigate and impose sanctions on organizations that fail to provide a safe work environment. The legal costs, combined with potential compensation payouts to victims, can be substantial.

Effective Management and Resolution

To prevent the escalation of bullying and harassment complaints, employers in Wagga Wagga need to implement proactive measures and create a supportive workplace culture. Here are some strategies to consider:


  • Clear Policies and Procedures: Establish comprehensive anti-bullying and harassment policies that outline acceptable behaviours and the steps for reporting and addressing complaints. Ensure that all employees are aware of these policies and understand their rights and responsibilities.


  • Training and Education: Provide regular training sessions for employees and management on recognizing, preventing, and responding to bullying and harassment. Training should emphasize the importance of a respectful and inclusive work environment.


  • Support Systems: Create support systems for victims, such as access to counselling services and confidential reporting channels. Encourage open communication and assure employees that their complaints will be taken seriously and handled confidentially.

  • Impartial Investigations: Engage external experts to conduct impartial investigations into complaints. An independent investigation can provide a fair and unbiased assessment of the situation, helping to resolve issues effectively and prevent further escalation.

  • Early Intervention: Address complaints promptly and take immediate action to stop inappropriate behaviour. Early intervention can prevent minor issues from escalating into major conflicts.

  • Foster a Positive Workplace Culture:

Workplace bullying and harassment are serious issues that can quickly escalate and disrupt harmony in the Wagga Wagga workplace, often leading to a toxic workplace. By understanding the dynamics of these problems and implementing proactive measures, employers can create a safe and supportive environment for all employees. Addressing complaints promptly and impartially is key to preventing escalation and maintaining a productive and harmonious workplace.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Workplace Investigations

Workplace investigations can be stressful for both employees and employers. Employees may worry about their performance, feel unfairly scrutinized, or fear the impact on their career.

For employers, these investigations are often demanding and sensitive, requiring confidentiality and careful handling. To help navigate the challenges of workplace investigations more efficiently, we’ve prepared this FAQ guide to address some of the most common questions employers may have when initiating an investigation.

What is a Workplace Investigation?

Workplace investigations are designed to uncover facts, identify problems, and find solutions in response to specific events or complaints, such as bullying or sexual harassment allegations. These investigations follow a structured process to ensure fairness and adherence to organizational policies.

Why is an Investigation Necessary?

While informal resolutions can sometimes address issues, a formal investigation provides structure and ensures all concerns are addressed fairly. It also forms the basis for any necessary disciplinary actions. Companies often hire external investigators to avoid any perceived bias or favouritism.

How Long Does a Workplace Investigation Typically Take?

The duration of workplace investigations can vary, but most last between two and four weeks. Investigations triggered by specific events, such as allegations of bullying or harassment, tend to be shorter due to the urgency to resolve the matter. More complex investigations involving multiple issues or numerous employees may take longer to ensure thoroughness.

Who Can Participate in the Investigation?

Investigators will interview all individuals involved in the investigation, including witnesses. The more relevant people interviewed, the more detailed the final report will be. All interviewees are entitled to have a support person present to provide moral support, as discussing sensitive issues can be challenging.

What Are the Different Types of Workplace Investigations?

Workplace investigations generally fall into four categories: bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, and misconduct. Each investigation follows a similar process, starting with interviews of those who made the allegations, followed by witnesses, and finally, the individuals accused. The investigator then compiles the findings and presents them to the appropriate company personnel.

Can Employees Be Required to Participate in Investigations?

Yes, employees can be required to participate if their involvement is directly related to the issues being investigated. This may include providing documentation, written statements, or being interviewed. Employers should weigh the necessity and value of the employees’ input when deciding on participation.

Are There Requirements for Informing Employees About Investigations?

Employers should inform employees when an investigation is necessary to maintain transparency and build trust. Informing employees can also reduce the risk of retaliation against those being investigated.

Should Employers Comply with Employee Requests During an Investigation?

Employers should generally comply with reasonable employee requests during an investigation, provided they do not interfere with the process. For example, employees may request interviews to be conducted offsite or in private locations to ensure confidentiality. Employers should avoid any appearance of favouritism and provide alternative solutions if a request is deemed disruptive.

Can Disciplinary Action Be Taken as a Result of an Investigation?

Disciplinary actions can be taken following a thorough and complete investigation. These actions should be separate from the investigation process and can range from formal warnings to termination or even police referral in severe cases. It is crucial to ensure that any disciplinary action is based on well-documented findings and follows company policies and legal requirements.

For more detailed information or specific concerns about workplace investigations, contact our expert Wagga Wagga workplace investigation team. We are committed to helping you navigate these challenging situations with professionalism and integrity.

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How Many Employees Involved?
How Long Has The Issue Been Happening

Telephone: 0418 101 164 (Stephen Oliver)



workplace investigation

Has An Employee Made A Complaint That Needs To Be Investigated?

Are you weighing up whether to investigate the matter internally, and can you be confident an internal  investigation would be impartial?

If you conduct an internal investigation, you run the risk of one of the parties alleging the investigation was biased against them. 

Should the complaint end up in a Fairwork Australia hearing, are you confident an internal investigation would be seen as fair?

Since 2005 Jolasers Workplace Investigations has built a reputation for conducting thorough and decisive investigations into all types of workplace issues around Melbourne.


We have undertaken complex workplace investigations in the following areas:

  • Bullying

  • Harassment

  • HR Matters

  • Sexual Harassment

  • Fraud


As an independent and professional private investigations company, we are dedicated to revealing facts through meticulous evidence collection, detailed interviews, and comprehensive data analysis. Our approach ensures that every decision you make is informed and legally defensible.


We have conducted investigations in a multitude of businesses, including local government, universities, the disability sector, construction and numerous other small to medium sized businesses.


We have a long history of conducting workplace investigations where all persons involved believed they were treated fairly and with respect. This is important in limiting the damage to relationships in the workplace as much as possible. 

We believe that we can quickly build rapport with all persons involved and make the process as easy as possible for all persons involved. People are generally nervous when faced with a workplace investigation interview, and we try and make the process as pain free for all participants as possible, at the same time ensuring we obtain detailed and accurate information.

If you have received a complaint, you need to act fast as these types of issues tend to quickly escalate, and can be costly, especially if a person is suspended on full pay as a result of the complaint.


Call 0418 101 164 to discuss your workplace investigation situation.


Jolasers workplace investigation quotation
Shepparton Workplace Investigations

We will provide you with an upfront quotation to undertake a professional workplace bullying investigation. Click on button below to get a quotation for your workplace investigation.

Melbourne workplace investigation call us now
Seeking Prompt Attention

Click the button below to contact us for prompt attention

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We are Waiting to Help With Your Workplace Investigation in Shepparton

We have many years experience investigating bullying and harassment claims in Shepparton. Click the link below to get in touch.

About Workplace Investigations Shepparton

Shepparton Workplace Investigations are THE Experts in All Things Related to Shepparton workplace investigations. Do yourself a favor and get in touch with us right now.


Shepparton Workplace Bullying Investigation video

Stephen Oliver Senior Investigator
Stephen Oliver - Senior Workplace Investigator

Different types of workplace investigations undertaken by Jolasers

Discrimination InvestigationA discrimination investigation is conducted when an employee alleges unfair treatment based on protected characteristics such as race, gender, age, religion, or disability. The investigation aims to determine if discrimination has occurred and to take appropriate action to address it.
Harassment InvestigationHarassment investigations are initiated when an employee reports unwelcome behavior, such as verbal, physical, or sexual harassment, creating a hostile work environment. The investigation aims to gather evidence, interview relevant parties, and take necessary steps to prevent further harassment and ensure a safe workplace.
Retaliation InvestigationRetaliation investigations occur when an employee claims adverse actions were taken against them in response to engaging in protected activities, such as reporting misconduct or participating in a workplace investigation. The investigation aims to determine if retaliation occurred and to protect the employee from further harm.
Misconduct InvestigationMisconduct investigations are conducted when an employee is suspected of violating company policies, rules, or ethical standards. The investigation involves gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and determining the appropriate disciplinary actions, which may include warnings, suspensions, or termination.
Whistleblower InvestigationWhistleblower investigations are initiated when an employee reports illegal or unethical activities within the organization. The investigation aims to protect the whistleblower, gather evidence, and take appropriate actions to address the reported misconduct, which may involve legal measures or internal reforms.
Workplace Violence InvestigationWorkplace violence investigations are conducted when there are reports or concerns about threats, physical assaults, or other violent incidents in the workplace. The investigation aims to assess the situation, ensure employee safety, and implement preventive measures to mitigate the risk of future violence.
Jolasers Bullying harassment information

Info Regarding Work Place Bullying Investigations In Shepparton?

If you are trying to find more information on the below topics, you can find great information on this page.

  1. Bullying investigation Shepparton.
  2. Shepparton Workplace Investigation.
  3. Workplace Bullying Investigations Shepparton.

Understanding Workplace Investigations in Shepparton: A Comprehensive Guide

Workplace investigations are essential procedures to maintain a fair, safe, and productive work environment. In Shepparton, like in all other areas of Victoria, businesses and organizations are increasingly prioritizing these investigations to address various workplace issues. This comprehensive guide delves into the importance, process, and best practices for conducting workplace investigations in Shepparton, ensuring that businesses remain compliant with legal standards and foster a positive workplace culture.

Importance of Workplace Investigations

Workplace investigations are crucial for several reasons:

  1. Maintaining Fairness and Justice: Investigations ensure that all parties involved in a dispute are treated fairly and justly. This helps in building trust among employees.
  2. Legal Compliance: Proper investigations help businesses comply with local, state, and federal laws, preventing potential legal repercussions.
  3. Protecting Company Reputation: Addressing issues promptly and thoroughly helps maintain the company’s reputation, both internally and externally. If the issue is left to fester, things can quickly spiral out of control, creating a toxic atmosphere within the workplace.
  4. Enhancing Workplace Safety: Investigations into safety violations or concerns help in creating a safer work environment.

Common Triggers for Workplace Investigations

In Shepparton, several scenarios might trigger a workplace investigation:

  • Harassment or Bullying Claims: Reports of harassment, whether sexual, verbal, or physical, necessitate a thorough investigation.
  • Discrimination Complaints: Allegations of discrimination based on race, gender, age, or other protected characteristics require careful examination.
  • Misconduct: Incidents involving theft, fraud, or other forms of misconduct need to be investigated to maintain workplace integrity.
  • Safety Violations: Accidents or breaches of workplace safety protocols must be scrutinized to prevent future occurrences.
  • Policy Violations: Breaches of company policies, including attendance and performance issues, often require investigation.

The Investigation Process

Conducting a workplace investigation in Shepparton involves several key steps:

  1. Initial Assessment: Upon receiving a complaint or report, the employer must determine if an investigation is necessary. This involves a preliminary review of the allegations to assess their severity and credibility.
  2. Planning the Investigation: A detailed plan outlining the scope of the investigation, individuals to be interviewed, and evidence to be gathered is essential. The plan should also consider confidentiality and impartiality.
  3. Appointing an Investigator: Depending on the complexity of the case, an internal investigator or an external professional might be appointed. The investigator must be impartial and have the necessary skills and experience.
  4. Conducting Interviews: Interviews with the complainant, the Respondent, and any witnesses are conducted. It is important to ask open-ended questions and document responses accurately.
  5. Gathering Evidence: Collect all relevant evidence, including emails, documents, CCTV footage, and other materials that can support the investigation.
  6. Analysis and Findings: Analyse the information collected to determine if the allegations are substantiated. This involves comparing the evidence against the company’s policies and legal standards.
  7. Reporting: The investigator prepares a detailed report outlining the findings, conclusions, and any recommended actions. This report should be clear, concise, and free of bias.
  8. Action and Follow-Up: Based on the findings, the employer must take appropriate action, which could include disciplinary measures, policy changes, or further training. Follow-up with all parties involved to ensure the issue is resolved and prevent recurrence.

Best Practices for Conducting Investigations

To ensure workplace investigations are effective and fair, businesses in Shepparton should adhere to the following best practices:

  • Confidentiality: Maintain strict confidentiality throughout the investigation to protect the privacy of all parties involved.
  • Impartiality: Ensure the investigator is impartial and has no conflict of interest. This may involve hiring an external investigator.
  • Timeliness: Conduct investigations promptly to prevent the escalation of issues and minimize disruption in the workplace.
  • Documentation: Keep detailed records of all steps taken during the investigation, including interviews and evidence collected.
  • Clear Communication: Communicate clearly with all parties involved about the investigation process and their roles.
  • Legal Compliance: Ensure the investigation complies with relevant laws and regulations, including anti-discrimination laws and workplace safety standards.
  • Training: Provide training for managers and HR personnel on how to handle complaints and conduct investigations.

Legal Considerations in Shepparton

Workplace investigations in Shepparton must adhere to Australian laws, including:

  • Fair Work Act 2009: This Act outlines the rights and obligations of employers and employees, including protection against unfair dismissal and discrimination.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004: This Act mandates employers to provide a safe working environment and outlines procedures for addressing safety violations.
  • Equal Opportunity Act 2010: This Act prohibits discrimination in the workplace and provides guidelines for handling discrimination complaints.

Employers must also consider any relevant awards, enterprise agreements, and internal policies when conducting investigations.


Workplace investigations are a vital aspect of maintaining a healthy and productive work environment in Shepparton. By understanding the importance of these investigations, following a structured process, and adhering to best practices, businesses can address workplace issues effectively and ensure compliance with legal standards. Properly conducted investigations not only resolve individual complaints but also contribute to a positive workplace culture, enhancing overall employee satisfaction and productivity.

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Frequently Asked Questions.

An investigation can be a stressful time for both employee and employer. Employees might have concerns about their performance, feel like they’re being unfairly scrutinized, or worry about the potential implications of the investigation on their career trajectory. For employers, investigations are often taxing and time-consuming processes that demand confidentiality and sensitive handling. In order to help tackle the challenges of workplace investigations more efficiently, we’ve prepared this FAQ guide with answers to some of the most common questions employers may have when initiating an investigation in the workplace.


What is a workplace investigation?

Business investigations are designed to seek out facts, identify problems, and find solutions that have be triggered by a specific event or complaint such as a bullying allegation or sexual harassment allegation. They often follow a set process that allows all parties to be treated fairly and ensures that organizational policies are followed.


Why is an investigation necessary?

While it’s possible to address issues informally, an investigation often provides more structure and ensures that all employees’ concerns are addressed fairly. It also provides the foundation for any disciplinary action that results from the allegations.

Companies engage external investigators to eliminate any perceived bias or favouritism towards one or more of the participants in the investigation.


How long does a workplace investigation typically take?

While there is no hard and fast rule for how long investigations should last, the duration of most investigations falls between two and four weeks. Investigations that are prompted by a specific event, such as an employee’s allegation of bullying or harassment, will likely be shorter, due to the desire of all parties to finalise the mater. Investigations that explore multiple issues and problems that have been festering for a long period are likely to last longer. Investigations that include a wide range of employees may be longer still if Investigators aim to include all employees’ input in the process.


Who can participate in the investigation?

An Investigator will seek to interview all persons that are involved in the subject of the investigation which may include witnesses to a particular event. Generally the more relevant people interviewed, the more detailed the final report will be.

All persons interviewed in an investigation are entitled to have a support person with them to provide moral support as the circumstances discussed can often be difficult for the person being interviewed to re-live.


What are the different types of workplace investigations?

Investigations are often broken up into four major categories – bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and misconduct. They all follow the same basic structure. The person/s who have made the allegations against a work colleague/s will be interviewed first to determine the exact nature of the allegations. Then any witnesses identified will be interviewed and then finally the person/s who the allegations were made against will have the opportunity to respond to the allegations. From there the Investigator will prepare his findings and present to the appropriate person in the company.


Can employees be required to participate in investigations?

Employees can be required to participate in investigations if their participation is directly related to the issues being investigated. Employees may be required to produce relevant documentation, provide a written statement, or be interviewed by the investigator. When deciding if employees should be required to participate, employers should consider the nature of the investigation and the expected value of employees’ input.


Are there any requirements for informing employees about investigations?

Employers should inform employees whenever they become aware of an issue that necessitates an investigation. Informing employees provides transparency, helps build trust and confidence in the organization, and may reduce the chances of retaliation against the employees who are being investigated. Employers may be able to avoid the need for an investigation by promptly addressing employee concerns. In many cases, employers can address issues informally by talking directly with employees to seek clarification and explore potential solutions.


Should employers comply with employee requests during an investigation?

Employers are generally expected to comply with reasonable requests from employees during an investigation, as long as those requests do not interfere with the investigation. For example some employees are uncomfortable being interviewed in the general vicinity of their work colleagues and will request the interview take place offsite or somewhere private that other employees are not aware of their participation.

Employers should be careful not to give the impression that they are providing special treatment to certain employees. If employers feel that a request from an employee would interfere with an investigation, they should explain why and consider providing an alternative solution.


Can disciplinary action be taken as a result of an investigation?

Employers may take disciplinary action against employees as a result of an investigation, but they must first ensure that the investigation is thorough and complete. Disciplinary actions are separate from an investigation and should be undertaken after the investigation concludes. Disciplinary actions can vary from a minor formal warning letter being placed on an employees personnel file to really serious disciplinary action such as termination or a referral of matters to police. 


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Welcome to Jolasers, where we offer professional workplace investigation services in Geelong.


We at Jolasers understand that workplace issues can be complex and sensitive, and that’s why we’re here to help. Our experienced investigations company is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality service, ensuring that your workplace investigation is conducted with the utmost professionalism and confidentiality.


Jolasers offer a range of workplace investigation services, including investigations into allegations of bullying, harassment, discrimination, and misconduct. We have extensive experience in conducting workplace investigations, and we use a range of techniques and tools to ensure that we gather all the necessary information to make informed decisions.


At Jolasers, we believe that every workplace investigation is unique, and we tailor our services to meet the specific needs of each client. We work closely with our clients to understand their concerns and objectives, and we provide regular updates throughout the investigation process.


Our team is committed to providing you with a thorough and impartial investigation, and we pride ourselves on our attention to detail and our ability to provide clear and concise reports, which are reviewed by an independent specialised employment lawyer. 

We understand that workplace issues can be stressful and disruptive, and we aim to provide you with a resolution that is fair and equitable for all parties involved.


If you’re looking for professional workplace investigation services in Geelong, look no further than Jolasers. Contact us today to discuss your needs and to find out how we can help you.


Call 0418 101 164 to discuss your workplace investigation situation.


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We have many years experience investigating all types of workplace investigations including bullying and harassment claims, misconduct, fraud and sexual harassment claims in Geelong. Click the link below to get in touch.

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Geelong Workplace Investigations are THE Experts in All Things Related to coplex workplace investigations. Do yourself a favor and get in touch with us right now.


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Info Regarding Workplace  Investigations In Geelong?

If you are trying to find more information on the below topics, you can find great information on this page.

  1. Workplace investigations Geelong
  2. Geelong Workplace Investigation
  3. Geelong Workplace Bullying Investigations

Uncovering the Truth: How to Effectively Carry Out Workplace Investigations in Geelong

Workplace investigations are a critical component of managing a business. They are designed to uncover the truth about what happened in a particular situation and can be used to resolve disputes and make sure that the workplace remains a safe and productive environment. However, conducting an effective workplace investigation requires knowledge and expertise.


In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of workplace investigations, the types of investigations that can be conducted, the process of conducting an investigation, the skills and qualifications of a workplace investigator, tips for carrying out workplace investigations in Geelong, the benefits of outsourcing workplace investigations in Geelong, and common challenges of workplace investigations.


What is a workplace investigation?

A workplace investigation is a process used to uncover the truth about what happened in a particular situation. It can be conducted to resolve disputes, address complaints, and ensure the workplace remains a safe and productive environment. Typically, a workplace investigation is conducted by a third-party investigator who is independent of the situation and has the necessary skills and qualifications to conduct an effective investigation.


The purpose of a workplace investigation is to uncover the facts and determine whether any misconduct or other inappropriate behaviour has occurred. It is important to note that workplace investigations are not the same as disciplinary action, which is typically taken after the results of the investigation have been determined.


Why is workplace investigation important?

Workplace investigations are important for a number of reasons. Firstly, they can help to protect the interests of the business and its employees. By uncovering the truth about what happened, employers can ensure that their workplace is a safe and productive environment. In addition, workplace investigations can also help to identify any potential legal issues that may arise from an incident and help to protect the business from potential liability.


Furthermore, workplace investigations are a key component of any business’s responsibility to its employees. By carrying out an investigation, employers can ensure that any issues are addressed promptly and appropriately. This in turn helps to foster a culture of trust and respect within the workplace, which can help to ensure the success of the business.


Types of workplace investigations

There are a number of different types of workplace investigations that can be undertaken. These include investigations into allegations of bullying and harassment, discrimination, and other forms of misconduct. Other investigations may be carried out to determine if there has been a breach of company policy or procedures, or to investigate any financial irregularities.


It is important to note that the type of investigation will depend on the nature of the incident and the size and complexity of the organisation. For example, small organisations may only need to carry out a basic investigation into a single incident, while larger organisations may require a more comprehensive investigation into a series of incidents.


The workplace investigation process

The workplace investigation process can vary depending on the complexity of the investigation and the size of the organisation. Generally, the process involves four stages: planning, evidence collection, analysis, and report writing.


The planning stage involves determining the scope of the investigation, setting objectives, and developing a strategy for conducting the investigation. During the evidence collection stage, the investigator will collect relevant evidence from a variety of sources, including interviews with witnesses and the review of documents. The analysis stage involves reviewing the evidence and determining whether there is sufficient evidence to support the allegations. Finally, the report writing stage involves preparing a report that summarizes the evidence and findings of the investigation.


The importance of a workplace investigation policy

Organisations should have a clear policy on workplace investigations in place. This policy should outline the process for conducting an investigation, the roles and responsibilities of the investigator, and the procedures for reporting and resolving any issues that may arise during the investigation. Having a clear policy in place helps to ensure that investigations are conducted in a consistent and effective manner.


In addition, organisations should also ensure that they have a clear process for handling any complaints, grievances, or concerns that may arise during the investigation. This process should include a timeline for reporting any issues, a protocol for responding to any allegations, and appropriate measures for addressing any issues that may arise.


The skills and qualifications of a workplace investigator

Workplace investigators must have the necessary skills and qualifications to conduct an effective investigation. Typically, they should have a thorough understanding of the law, the ability to conduct interviews and collect evidence, strong communication skills, and the ability to analyse and interpret complex data.


In addition, workplace investigators should also have experience conducting workplace investigations and be familiar with the policies and procedures of the organisation. A workplace investigator should be impartial and unbiased and should not be involved in the dispute or have any personal or financial interests in the outcome of the investigation.


Jolasers have been conducting complex workplace investigations for in excess of 16 years and have vast experience handling delicate investigations and providing a comprehensive factual report.


Tips for conducting workplace investigations in Geelong

Conducting an effective workplace investigation in Geelong requires knowledge and expertise. Here are some tips to help you conduct an effective investigation:

  • Make sure you have a clear understanding of the situation before you begin the investigation.
  • Develop a plan for the investigation and ensure that all parties involved are aware of the process.
  • Ensure that any evidence collected is relevant to the investigation and is treated with due care and respect.
  • Gather evidence from a variety of sources and make sure to document all evidence collected.
  • Interview any witnesses and ask questions in an objective and impartial manner.
  • Analyse the evidence and determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the allegations.
  • Prepare a detailed report that summarises the evidence and findings of the investigation.

The benefits of outsourcing workplace investigations in Geelong

Outsourcing workplace investigations in Geelong can be a cost-effective and efficient solution for organisations. By outsourcing the investigation, organisations can benefit from the expertise and experience of a qualified investigator, who can ensure that the investigation is conducted in a professional and objective manner. Furthermore, by outsourcing the investigation, organisations can also save time and money, as they do not need to hire an in-house investigator.


In addition, organisations that outsource their investigations can also benefit from the flexibility of an external investigator. An external investigator can provide unbiased and impartial advice to the organisation, which can help to ensure that any issues are addressed in a timely and appropriate manner.


Common challenges of workplace investigations

Conducting an effective workplace investigation is no easy task. There are a number of common challenges that organisations face when conducting workplace investigations. These include lack of sufficient evidence, lack of cooperation from witnesses, difficulty in obtaining relevant documents, and lack of resources.


Organisations should be aware of these common challenges and take steps to ensure that their investigation is conducted in a thorough and professional manner. This includes ensuring that the investigation is conducted in accordance with the organisation’s policies and procedures and that all parties involved are aware of the process. In addition, organisations should also ensure that they have the necessary resources to conduct an effective investigation, including access to relevant documents and the cooperation of witnesses.



Workplace investigations are a critical component of any organisation’s responsibility to its employees. They are designed to uncover the truth about what happened in a particular situation and can be used to resolve disputes and ensure the workplace remains a safe and productive environment.


Conducting an effective workplace investigation requires knowledge and expertise. This article has discussed the importance of workplace investigations, the types of investigations that can be conducted, the process of conducting an investigation, the skills and qualifications of a workplace investigator, tips for carrying out workplace investigations in Geelong, the benefits of outsourcing workplace investigations in Geelong, and common challenges of workplace investigations.


By following the tips outlined in this article, organisations can ensure that their workplace investigations are conducted in an effective and efficient manner. This in turn can help to ensure the success of the business and foster a culture of trust and respect within the workplace.


If your organisation is looking to conduct an effective workplace investigation in Geelong, contact us today to find out how we can help. We have the expertise and experience to ensure that your investigation is conducted in a professional and timely manner.

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Frequently Asked Questions about employer investigations


Q: What is an employer investigation?


A: An employer investigation is a process of gathering facts and evidence about a suspected violation of policy, law, or regulation. Employer investigations can be conducted internally or externally by a third-party investigation firm. Employer investigations are conducted to determine the facts of a situation, assess the severity of the situation, and determine the appropriate course of action.


Q: What types of investigations do employers conduct?


A: Employers conduct a variety of different types of investigations. Common types of employer investigations include misconduct investigations, discrimination investigations, harassment investigations, and workplace safety investigations. Employers may also conduct investigations into allegations of fraud, theft, or other criminal activity.


Q: What are the most common reasons for employer investigations?


A: The most common reasons for employer investigations are allegations of misconduct, discrimination, harassment, or workplace safety violations. Employers may also conduct investigations in response to allegations of fraud, theft, or other criminal activity. Employers may also conduct investigations in response to complaints of unfair or unethical business practices.

Q: What should an employer do if they suspect an employee of wrongdoing?


A: If an employer suspects an employee of wrongdoing, they should take steps to investigate the situation. The employer should assess the severity of the situation and determine the appropriate course of action. Employers should be sure to follow the laws and regulations that apply to their workplace and the employer’s policies and procedures.

Q: What are the rights of the employee during an employer investigation?


A: Employees have certain rights during an employer investigation. Employees have the right to be informed of the investigation and its purpose. Employees also have the right to know the nature of the allegations against them. Employees have the right to be treated with dignity and respect during the investigation. Employees also have the right to respond to the allegations against them and to have their response taken into consideration in the investigation.

Q: What should an employee do if they are the subject of an investigation?


A: If an employee is the subject of an investigation, they should take the investigation seriously. The employee should make sure to follow the laws and regulations that apply to their workplace and the employer’s policies and procedures. The employee should also take steps to protect their rights during the investigation.


To Summarise

Employer investigations are an important part of any workplace. Employers should understand the basics of employer investigations and the steps they need to take to ensure that their investigations are fair and accurate. Employees also have certain rights during an employer investigation and should take steps to protect their rights during the investigation.


If you need assistance with complex workplace investigations, contact Jolasers to handle your investigation discreetly and impartially. Jolasers has the expertise and experience to ensure that your workplace investigations are conducted in a fair and accurate manner.

Telephone: 0418 101 164 (Stephen Oliver)

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Has An Employee Made A Compaint Which Needs To Be Investigated.

Are you weighing up whether to investigate the matter internally, and can you be confident an internal investigation would be impartial?

If you conduct an internal investigation, you run the risk of one of the parties alleging the investigation was biased against them.

Should the complaint end up in a Fairwork Australia hearing, are you confident an internal investigation would be seen as fair?

At Jolasers, we understand that workplace issues can be complex and sensitive, and that’s why we’re here to help. Jolasers has in excess of 18 years’ experience undertaking sensitive workplace investigations and we are dedicated to providing you with a thorough and impartial investigation, ensuring that all parties involved are treated with respect and fairness.

Our workplace investigations service covers a range of issues, including harassment, discrimination, bullying, misconduct, and more. We use a variety of methods to gather evidence, including interviews, document reviews, and site visits, to ensure that we have a complete understanding of the situation.

Our investigators are highly trained and experienced in conducting workplace investigations and we are committed to providing you with a comprehensive report that outlines our findings and recommendations which we have reviewed by an independent employment lawyer to determine that our findings are legally sound.

We understand that every situation is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs.

We pride ourselves on our professionalism, integrity, and confidentiality. We understand the importance of maintaining the privacy of all parties involved, and we take great care to ensure that our investigations are conducted in a discreet and sensitive manner.

If you’re experiencing workplace issues in Albury or Wodonga region, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to help you navigate the complexities of workplace investigations, and to provide you with the support and guidance you need to move forward. We will work with you to develop a plan that is tailored to your requirements and delivers the highest possible success.


Call 0418 101 164 to discuss your workplace investigation situation.


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Albury Wodonga Workplace Investigations

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About Albury Wodonga Workplace Investigations

Jolasers Investigations are THE Experts in All Things Related to Albury Wodonga work place investigations. Do yourself a favor and get in touch with us right now.


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Info Regarding Workplace Investigations In Albury Wodonga?

If you are trying to find more information on the below topics, you can find great information on this page.

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  2. Albury Wodonga Workplace Investigations
  3. Albury Wodonga Workplace Bullying Investigations

Navigating Workplace Investigations in Albury Wodonga

Employee investigations are an important part of any successful business. They help to ensure that any potential misconduct is addressed, and that the workplace is a safe and productive environment. But navigating investigations in Albury Wodonga can be a tricky process. Let’s take a look at the process of employee investigations, the importance of workplace investigations, and the essential do’s and don’ts for conducting investigations in the workplace.


What is an Employee Investigation?

An employee investigation is a process whereby a business or organization looks into a situation, event, or allegation of misconduct by an employee. The purpose of these investigations is to determine if the employee has in fact engaged in misconduct, and if so, what appropriate action should be taken.


Employee investigations can vary in complexity, depending on the situation. In some cases, the investigation may involve interviewing witnesses and reviewing documents. In other cases, the investigation may be more complex and involve forensic analysis or other specialized methods.

Regardless of the complexity of the investigation, it is important to ensure that it is conducted in a fair and impartial manner.



The Process of an Employee Investigation

The process of an employee investigation typically involves the following steps:


Gathering information. An employee investigation typically begins with the gathering of information. This may involve interviewing witnesses, reviewing documents, and conducting searches of the organization’s systems.


Assessing the evidence. Once the information has been gathered, it must be assessed to determine if there is sufficient evidence to support the allegation of misconduct.


Making a recommendation. If there is enough evidence to support the allegation of misconduct, the investigator must make a recommendation as to how the situation should be addressed.


Implementing the recommendation. Once the recommendation has been made, it must be implemented. Depending on the severity of the misconduct, this could involve disciplinary action or even termination.



The Importance of Workplace Investigations

Workplace investigations are an important part of any successful business. They help to ensure that any potential misconduct is addressed, and that the workplace is a safe and productive environment.


In addition, workplace investigations can help to protect the organization from legal action. If an employee feels that they have been treated unfairly, or if they feel that their rights have been violated, they may take legal action against the organization. By conducting investigations, organizations can ensure that any potential legal action is addressed appropriately.


Finally, workplace investigations can also help to protect the organization’s reputation. If allegations of misconduct are not addressed, they can lead to negative publicity and a loss of trust in the organization.



Navigating Workplace Investigations in Albury Wodonga

Navigating workplace investigations in Albury Wodonga can be a tricky process. The laws and regulations governing workplace investigations vary from state to state, and it can be difficult to know where to start.


In addition, conducting investigations in the workplace can be a time-consuming and complicated process. It requires a thorough understanding of the law, as well as the ability to conduct a fair and impartial investigation.


For these reasons, it is often best to engage a professional to conduct workplace investigations in Albury Wodonga.


Jolasers have undertaken a plethora of complex workplace investigations in the Albury Wodonga Area, and can help to ensure that your investigation is conducted in the most efficient and effective manner possible.



Do’s and Don’ts for Conducting Investigations in the Workplace

When conducting investigations in the workplace, there are a few key do’s and don’ts that should be kept in mind.




Make sure to document all conversations and evidence that is gathered during the course of the investigation.


Ensure that all witnesses are interviewed in a professional and respectful manner.


Take the time to thoroughly review all of the evidence that is gathered during the investigation.


Remain impartial and unbiased when conducting the investigation.


Provide feedback to the accused employee upon completion of the investigation.




Rush the investigation or make decisions before all of the evidence has been gathered.


Make assumptions or come to conclusions before all of the evidence has been gathered.


Interview witnesses in a hostile or aggressive manner.


Ignore any potential evidence that may be relevant to the investigation.


Make decisions based on personal biases or opinions.



The Legal Implications of Workplace Investigations

It is important to remember that workplace investigations can have significant legal implications. Depending on the nature of the investigation, it is possible that the organization could be held liable for any misconduct that is uncovered.


In addition, it is important to ensure that any investigations are conducted in a fair and impartial manner. If the investigation is not conducted in a fair and impartial manner, it could leave the organization open to a claim of discrimination or other legal action.



Best Practices for Workplace Investigations

When conducting workplace investigations, there are a few best practices that should be kept in mind.


Ensure that all evidence is documented and stored securely.


Interview witnesses in a professional and respectful manner.


Remain impartial and unbiased when conducting the investigation.


Take the time to thoroughly review all of the evidence that is gathered during the investigation.


Provide feedback to the accused employee upon completion of the investigation.


Make sure to keep all parties involved in the investigation informed of the progress.



The Benefits of Engaging a Professional to Conduct Investigations

Engaging a professional to conduct workplace investigations can be beneficial for a number of reasons. A professional investigator will have a thorough understanding of the law, as well as the ability to remain impartial and unbiased. In addition, a professional investigator will be able to ensure that the investigation is conducted in an efficient and effective manner.


Finally, a professional investigator can advise the HR personnel about providing feedback to the accused employee upon completion of the investigation. This can help to ensure that any potential legal action is addressed appropriately.




Employee investigations are an important part of any successful business. They help to ensure that any potential misconduct is addressed, and that the workplace is a safe and productive environment. However, navigating investigations in Albury Wodonga can be a tricky process. In this article, we’ve looked at the process of employee investigations, the importance of workplace investigations, and the essential do’s and don’ts for conducting investigations in the workplace.


Ultimately, engaging a professional to conduct workplace investigations is often the best course of action. A professional investigator will have a thorough understanding of the law, as well as the ability to remain impartial and unbiased. In addition, a professional investigator will be able to ensure that the investigation is conducted in an efficient and effective manner.


If you’re looking for a professional investigator to help you navigate employee investigations in Albury Wodonga, then look no further than Jolasers. They have undertaken a plethora of complex workplace investigations in the Albury Wodonga Area and can help to ensure that your investigation is conducted in the most efficient and effective manner possible.


Email: to determine how we can help you solve your workplace conflicts or call 0418 101 164


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Frequently Asked Questions.

An investigation can be a stressful time for both employee and employer. Employees might have concerns about their performance, feel like they’re being unfairly scrutinized, or worry about the potential implications of the investigation on their career trajectory. For employers, investigations are often taxing and time-consuming processes that demand confidentiality and sensitive handling. In order to help tackle the challenges of workplace investigations more efficiently, we’ve prepared this FAQ guide with answers to some of the most common questions employers may have when initiating an investigation in the workplace.


What is a workplace investigation?

Business investigations are designed to seek out facts, identify problems, and find solutions that have be triggered by a specific event or complaint such as a bullying allegation or sexual harassment allegation. They often follow a set process that allows all parties to be treated fairly and ensures that organizational policies are followed.


Why is an investigation necessary?

While it’s possible to address issues informally, an investigation often provides more structure and ensures that all employees’ concerns are addressed fairly. It also provides the foundation for any disciplinary action that results from the allegations.

Companies engage external investigators to eliminate any perceived bias or favouritism towards one or more of the participants in the investigation.


How long does a workplace investigation typically take?

While there is no hard and fast rule for how long investigations should last, the duration of most investigations falls between two and four weeks. Investigations that are prompted by a specific event, such as an employee’s allegation of bullying or harassment, will likely be shorter, due to the desire of all parties to finalise the mater. Investigations that explore multiple issues and problems that have been festering for a long period are likely to last longer. Investigations that include a wide range of employees may be longer still if Investigators aim to include all employees’ input in the process.


Who can participate in the investigation?

An Investigator will seek to interview all persons that are involved in the subject of the investigation which may include witnesses to a particular event. Generally the more relevant people interviewed, the more detailed the final report will be.

All persons interviewed in an investigation are entitled to have a support person with them to provide moral support as the circumstances discussed can often be difficult for the person being interviewed to re-live.


What are the different types of workplace investigations?

Investigations are often broken up into four major categories – bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and misconduct. They all follow the same basic structure. The person/s who have made the allegations against a work colleague/s will be interviewed first to determine the exact nature of the allegations. Then any witnesses identified will be interviewed and then finally the person/s who the allegations were made against will have the opportunity to respond to the allegations. From there the Investigator will prepare his findings and present to the appropriate person in the company.


Can employees be required to participate in investigations?

Employees can be required to participate in investigations if their participation is directly related to the issues being investigated. Employees may be required to produce relevant documentation, provide a written statement, or be interviewed by the investigator. When deciding if employees should be required to participate, employers should consider the nature of the investigation and the expected value of employees’ input.


Are there any requirements for informing employees about investigations?

Employers should inform employees whenever they become aware of an issue that necessitates an investigation. Informing employees provides transparency, helps build trust and confidence in the organization, and may reduce the chances of retaliation against the employees who are being investigated. Employers may be able to avoid the need for an investigation by promptly addressing employee concerns. In many cases, employers can address issues informally by talking directly with employees to seek clarification and explore potential solutions.


Should employers comply with employee requests during an investigation?

Employers are generally expected to comply with reasonable requests from employees during an investigation, as long as those requests do not interfere with the investigation. For example some employees are uncomfortable being interviewed in the general vicinity of their work colleagues and will request the interview take place offsite or somewhere private that other employees are not aware of their participation.

Employers should be careful not to give the impression that they are providing special treatment to certain employees. If employers feel that a request from an employee would interfere with an investigation, they should explain why and consider providing an alternative solution.


Can disciplinary action be taken as a result of an investigation?

Employers may take disciplinary action against employees as a result of an investigation, but they must first ensure that the investigation is thorough and complete. Disciplinary actions are separate from an investigation and should be undertaken after the investigation concludes. Disciplinary actions can vary from a minor formal warning letter being placed on an employees personnel file to really serious disciplinary action such as termination or a referral of matters to police. 



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workplace investigation

Welcome to Jolasers workplace investigations service in Mildura! We understand that workplace issues such as discrimination, bullying, and misconduct can be incredibly stressful and disruptive for both employees and employers. That’s why we’re here to help.

Our experienced investigators are dedicated to providing a thorough and impartial investigation into any workplace issue you may be facing. We understand the importance of confidentiality and sensitivity when dealing with these types of situations, and we always strive to ensure that all parties involved are treated with respect and professionalism.

Our workplace investigations service covers a range of issues, including discrimination, harassment, bullying, and misconduct. We work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and concerns, and we tailor our investigations to meet those needs.

We have in excess of 16 years experience undertaking sensitive and complex workplace investigations and we have a deep understanding of workplace dynamics and the legal requirements surrounding workplace investigations. We use a range of investigative techniques, including interviews, document analysis, and forensic analysis, to ensure that we get to the bottom of any issue. At the end of our investigation we will provide you with a comprehensive report that has been reviewed by a specialist independent employment lawyer.

We understand that workplace issues can be incredibly stressful and disruptive, which is why we work quickly and efficiently to resolve any issues as soon as possible. Our goal is to provide our clients with the information they need to make informed decisions and take appropriate action.

If you’re facing workplace issues in Mildura, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you navigate these difficult situations and find a resolution that works for everyone involved.


Call 0418 101 164 to discuss your Mildura workplace investigation requirements.


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We have many years experience investigating workplace issues in Mildura.

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Jolasers Workplace Investigations  are THE Experts in All Things Related to Mildura work place investigations. Do yourself a favor and get in touch with us right now.



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The benefits of an external workplace investigation following an employee complaint.

People don’t like to think of their place of work as a ‘hotbed of harassment and discrimination,’ but unfortunately, that’s not always the case.


Even with best-practice HR policies in place, some employees may still be subject to unfair treatment based on their gender, race or other protected class. And while it can be difficult to hear such accusations against your company, it is important that you take them seriously.


Whether you have internal HR staff members or an external third-party agency supporting you, it’s always advisable to conduct an outside workplace investigation should any employee complain about unfair treatment.


There are many different types of workplace investigations; some involve interviewing current employees and past employees who left the company within the past year; others involve conducting focus group interviews with random employees from all departments within the organization, and still others involve bringing in a third party investigator for a neutral perspective.


There are pros and cons for each type of investigation, so read on to learn more about the different ways you can support your organization through an external workplace investigation following an employee complaint.


What’s the benefit of an external workplace investigation?

Employment discrimination and harassment are very serious allegations, so if you’re not sure how best to investigate a complaint, it may be best to bring in an external investigator to do the legwork.


There are a few reasons why an external investigation might be the best choice, including:


  • The company culture: If there has been a complaint made against the company, it may be that the company’s culture is part of the problem. In this case, bringing in an external investigator may help to reveal the issue, allowing the company to take appropriate action. By hiring an external investigator, you can remove the employees’ sense of “us versus them” and allow the investigator to gather data without bias, providing an unbiased and accurate report.
    • Impending litigation: If you find that there is merit to the complaint, you may be able to resolve it quickly with a settlement. However, if you do not follow proper procedures and the complaint is made public, the company could be subject to a lawsuit.
    • The company’s response to the complaint: If you are receiving more than one complaint, it is important that you act quickly and appropriately to address the situation. If you do not, you may find that you have a disgruntled employee population on your hands, which can lead to decreased productivity, increased turnover and decreased profits.


Performing a workplace investigation after an employee complaint

There are a few ways in which an investigation will be conducted, but in general, the investigator will typically follow these steps:

  • The investigator will conduct interviews with all relevant parties, including the employee who made the complaint and other employees who may have information about the situation and its surrounding circumstances.
  • The investigator will then review company policies, interview managers and other employees, and gather any supporting documentation or evidence that could be relevant to the situation.
    • The investigator will then prepare a report of findings, which will include recommendations for resolving the complaint.


The benefits of an investigation in general

An investigation can provide answers to questions that have lingered within your organization for far too long. When employees feel that they have been treated unfairly or as though their concerns are being ignored, they can become increasingly disengaged, leading to increased turnover and reduced productivity.


A workplace investigation can help to identify the source of the problem, allowing you to take the necessary steps to resolve the issue and restore engagement within your company.


It can help to identify the root cause of the issue: If more than one employee has reported experiencing unfair treatment, there is a good chance that there is a systemic problem within your company. An investigation can help to identify the root cause of the issue, allowing you to take appropriate action to resolve it and prevent it from happening again in the future.


It can help to build trust among employees and within the organization: If there is a lack of trust among employees and within the organization, it can have a negative impact on productivity, engagement, reputation and overall success.


An investigation can help to restore trust within the company and demonstrate that you are taking the complaint seriously.



Why you might choose to hire a third-party investigator instead of doing your own internal investigation?

A third-party investigator has no vested interest in the outcome of the investigation and is therefore far less likely to be influenced by personal bias or pressure applied by anyone within the organization.


A third-party investigator may bring different skills and experiences to the table that could be beneficial to the investigation and could allow them to uncover information that your internal team may miss.


You want to remain objective. If you have done your own internal investigation and you do not want to suggest that there is a problem within the company, it may be best to hire a third-party investigator instead. You don’t want your investigation to be an “us versus them” situation and may want to conduct the investigation as a neutral third party.


You want to bring an outside perspective: Bringing in an outside investigator may allow them to see the situation from a different perspective and uncover information that you may have missed.



When should you request an internal HR investigation?

If the complaint is regarding a specific employee, you may want to request an internal HR investigation to determine if that employee’s actions have broken company policy or violated the company code of conduct.


An internal investigation generally focuses on whether the company’s policies were followed, as opposed to whether or not the alleged actions were actually true.


You want to determine if the employee’s actions breached company policies: If there are specific complaints but no indication that the employee acted with malicious intent, you may want to conduct an investigation to determine whether the employee’s actions were in keeping with company policy, including things like work hours, dress code, etc.


You want to determine if the employee has any training needs: If there are complaints that indicate that the employee’s actions violated company policies, but the employee did not do so with malicious intent, it may be that the employee simply needs additional training or coaching.



When should you request a third-party investigator?

If the complaint does not fall within the scope of HR and is not about any specific employee, it may be best to hire a third-party investigator to conduct the investigation. This is particularly true if the complaint is very serious in nature and could potentially have significant company-wide implications.



The complaint is very serious: If the complaint is very serious, it can help to distance yourself from the situation, particularly if you are unsure of how to proceed once the complaint has been made public.



While HR may be equipped to handle minor complaints, serious complaints that involve discrimination and harassment could lead to legal action. In this case, it can be helpful to conduct an outside investigation that allows you to stay above the fray.


The complaint is company-wide in nature: If the complaint is company-wide, it can be helpful to bring in an outside investigator who can conduct the investigation without bias and without being influenced by any existing employee relationships.



You never know when an employee will make a complaint about their experience at work, or what that complaint might be about. However, it’s important to remember that an investigation into that complaint can provide valuable insight into your organization as a whole.


Whether you choose to use an internal HR person, or a third-party investigator to conduct an investigation, it’s important to remember that the investigator is there to find answers and is not there to make judgments. An investigation is simply a fact-finding mission that can help to provide clarity and closure.

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Workplace Investigations FAQ

What is a workplace investigation?

An investigation is when you hire a team to look into an allegation raised against your business. The goal is to find out what happened, which can be helpful for HR, for the company’s insurance, and for the people involved.


Investigations can be any misconduct claim, including sexual harassment, discrimination, fraud, theft, and more. Sometimes, HR departments aren’t equipped to handle sensitive matters on their own, so they hire outside investigators as a third party who can help collect and analyze evidence.



Why do workplace investigations happen?

Investigations are usually triggered by two types of events — a complaint or an audit.

Complaints are raised by employees about their work experience, often about fellow employees. Investigators often become involved when a complaint is made, or when a company is audited.


Who runs the investigation?

There are different types of workplace investigations, and each comes with its own set of pros and cons.

Internal investigations – These are conducted in-house by HR or a business owner, who often have limited experience with investigating crimes. They’re usually more concerned with protecting the company’s reputation than gathering facts, so they may miss significant information that could help resolve the situation.

Third-party investigations – An outside agency handles the investigation, which could be particularly useful if your company has a lot of sensitive data that needs to be kept secure.

Law enforcement investigations – This is triggered by an arrest, charge, or other legal event. While the police can help with certain situations, they might not be able to investigate certain issues like discrimination claims.

Where do workplace investigations happen?

Investigators may conduct their interviews with both employees and employers at any location that’s convenient for both sides. The key is to make sure the location is private and confidential — that way, people can be honest without worrying that their words will be shared with other people or groups.

Some investigations will require the use of a private investigator’s office. Private investigators have experience with conducting interviews in an office environment, can maintain privacy and confidentiality, and are often better equipped to handle interview situations that may become volatile.


How long do Workplace Investigations take?

Investigations can take as little as a week or as long as several months, depending on the complexity of the issues involved.


Can we stop and restart an investigation after it’s been running for a while?

Yes. It’s not uncommon for an investigation to stall out or go off track, particularly if it’s an internal investigation. Sometimes, the parties involved stop cooperating with the process, or they may have trouble reaching a mutually satisfactory conclusion. But if you decide you need to restart the investigation, there are a couple of things to keep in mind.

You may need to write a new contract and pay for a new investigation
— So make sure you’re clear about what you want to investigate and what the parties are promising to deliver before you start. You may want to rebrand the investigation
— the retooled investigation can help you get back on track to a more successful conclusion.


What can we do to make workplace investigations easier?

There are a few steps you can take to make workplace investigations go as smoothly as possible for everyone involved.

Practice good record keeping — This can help you identify trends and improve your policies, helping to prevent future problems from arising.
Investigate each complaint thoroughly — Even if the complaint doesn’t turn out to be valid, you should learn from it.
Don’t ignore complaints — Even if they seem frivolous, they could be signposts to bigger issues.
Investigate fraud or theft promptly — These types of investigations need to be handled as urgently as possible.

If you hire an investigator, make sure you know what the investigator’s role is, and make sure the investigator understands that they are working for you.


What should we do if an employee files a complaint against us?

Sometimes, an investigation is initiated by an employee. If an employee files a complaint against your business, try to be as helpful as possible.

If you’re able to resolve the situation quickly, you might be able to end the investigation before it goes any further.


If you’re unable to resolve the situation quickly, try to get in touch with the employee’s representative as soon as possible. This helps you understand the employee’s concerns and gives you time to gather evidence that helps your side of the story.


What should we do if an employee files a complaint against another employee?

This is an investigation that you’ll need to run, perhaps with the help of HR.


If you receive a complaint about another employee, you first need to decide if the complaint is something you can handle. If it’s minor or internal company policy related, you may be able to handle it. If it’s serious or outside your ability to handle it, you need to escalate it so a different team can handle it, such as HR or the legal team.


Once you’ve decided what to do with the complaint, make sure you follow the appropriate process, whether it be in-house or through HR or engaging a professional investigation company.


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Welcome to Jolasers, your trusted partner for professional workplace investigations.

With over 16 years of experience, we are an independent private investigations company based in Bendigo, dedicated to providing our clients with the highest level of service and support.

At Jolasers, we understand that workplace investigations can be complex and sensitive. That’s why we offer a range of services to help you navigate this challenging process.

As an experienced investigations company we are committed to providing you with a thorough and impartial investigation that is tailored to your specific needs.

We pride ourselves on our professionalism, integrity, and commitment to providing our clients with the highest level of service. We have extensive experience in conducting workplace investigations across a range of industries and sectors, and we are dedicated to helping you achieve a fair and just outcome.

Our services include:

  1. Initial consultations to assess your needs and determine the scope of the investigation.
  2. Full-scale investigations, including interviews, document review, and analysis.
  3. Written report outlining our findings and recommendations which we have reviewed by an independent employment law specialist lawyer.
  4. Ongoing support and guidance throughout the investigation process.

At Jolasers, we understand the importance of confidentiality and discretion in workplace investigations. That’s why we take great care to ensure that all investigations are conducted in a professional and confidential manner.

If you are in need of workplace investigation services, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you navigate this challenging process and achieve a positive outcome.

Trust Jolasers to provide you with the professional workplace investigation services you need.

Call 0418 101 164 to discuss your Bendigo workplace investigation requirements.


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Jolasers Workplace Investigations  are THE Experts in All Things Related to Bendigo workplace investigations. Do yourself a favor and get in touch with us right now.

We are based in Bendigo and can offer prompt local service that is backed by 16+ years of experience.


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How to Deal with a Workplace Investigations

A workplace investigation involves a detailed review of an employee’s conduct or performance at work. It is often initiated by the employer when they suspect an employee of misconduct.


Workplace investigations can be scary and challenging, but you don’t need to stress. There are strategies you can use to manage the process and protect your interests.

The scope of a workplace investigation may vary depending on the nature of your role or organisation, but it will almost always involve some form of verbal or document interview with HR representatives, colleagues, managers, or third-party investigators.


This article covers how a workplace investigation works, what kind of issues they usually involve, how to prepare for one and what to do if you receive notification that you’re being investigated at work.


What Is a Bendigo Workplace Investigation?

A workplace investigation is a review conducted by HR, management or a dedicated Investigations company to understand an employee’s conduct or behaviour at work.


The workplace investigation may be initiated for a number of reasons, including:

– A complaint from a colleague, client, or customer.

– A serious accident or injury that may have been caused by an employee’s negligence.
– An allegation of sexual harassment or discrimination.
– Suspicion of fraud or theft of company assets.
– A major violation of company policies.
– An incident that may result in disciplinary action against an employee.
– Concerns about an employee’s ability to perform their role which may require reassignment due to health or safety reasons.


Reasons for a workplace investigations

Workplace investigations are not punishments, but an ordinary part of business. They are a way for organisations to resolve complaints and achieve a fair outcome.

When workplace investigations are conducted correctly, they can improve morale and trust in leadership, as well as protect employees from discrimination and other forms of misconduct.


There are a number of reasons why your employer may choose to open an investigation. It could be due to the nature of your work, a serious accident, or a written complaint. It may also be a result of company policy violations, fraud allegations, or a misunderstanding between you and a colleague or manager.


An employer will conduct an investigation if they suspect that an employee has done something wrong, even if the employee doesn’t think they have done anything wrong. They will be trying to find out what actually happened. It’s important to know that an employer should not assume that an employee is guilty just because they are conducting an investigation.


What happens during a workplace investigation?

In general, investigative processes is meant to be fair and balanced, but the particular process and outcome of each investigation can vary from organisation to organisation.


During the investigation, an employee will likely be asked to provide pertinent documents and be interviewed by the person conducting the investigation. This may occur in person or remotely through video conferencing.


Employee Rights During an Investigation

There are a few basic rights that employees should be aware of during the investigative process. An investigation doesn’t always result in disciplinary action. It can be used to gather information and clarify events that were previously misunderstood.


An employee has the right to know why they are being investigated.
– They have the right to know what rule they broke or what part of their job they are being investigated for.
– An employee also has the right to representation.
– They have the right to receive a fair investigation.
-An employee has the right to not participate in the investigation but that is usually a poor decision as the investigator will interview all parties and therefore if you refuse   to participate in the investigation, you lose the opportunity to present your version of events.


Strategies for Employees to manage the process

There are certain strategies and best practices that you can use to help you manage the investigative process and protect your interests.

Stay Calm. If you’ve received a notification about an investigation, it’s normal to be anxious. You should take some time to compose yourself and gather your thoughts before you respond to a request for information.



Understand the investigation process. Depending on the nature of the investigation, you may have to provide documentation, access to your computer, or interview with HR representatives, managers, or third-party investigators. Be prepared for a long process if you have a lot of information to gather for your employer.


Gather all information required by your employer. This includes providing copies of written communications, digital records, and supporting documentation to help clarify the events in question.



Plan your response. 


Rushing to respond to an investigation notification may result in a mistake. It’s recommended to take some time to construct a thoughtful and thorough response.



Get help if you need it. If you feel that you don’t have the skills to handle the investigation on your own, get some help.


Keep an open mind. You don’t know what events led up to the investigation, so you don’t know what details may be missing from your perspective.


Be respectful. If you receive a letter or email from your employer regarding an investigation, be respectful and respond accordingly.



Stay positive. You are likely under a lot of stress, but try to stay positive and focused on the outcome that you want.



Don’t jump to conclusions. It’s easy to assume that you know what led up to the investigation, but you don’t. Keep an open mind and let the investigation play out.


Don’t self-impose disciplinary action. During an investigation, it’s normal to be frustrated and feel that you want to jump in and fix what you think is wrong. Resist the urge to impose disciplinary action on yourself. Let the process play out and let your employer make the final decision.




An investigation usually happens when someone has reported a problem. It could be a colleague, customer, or manager.


Employees are not required to participate in an investigation if they don’t feel comfortable doing so. However, it is generally a good idea to participate to provide your version of events.



An employee has the right to remain silent and decline to answer any questions.. Even if you are not the one being investigated, an investigation can be stressful and scary. Stay calm, take care of yourself, and follow these tips to help manage the process and protect your interests.

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Workplace Investigations FAQ

What is a workplace investigation?

An investigation is when you hire a team to look into an allegation raised against your business. The goal is to find out what happened, which can be helpful for HR, for the company’s insurance, and for the people involved.


Investigations can be any misconduct claim, including sexual harassment, discrimination, fraud, theft, and more. Sometimes, HR departments aren’t equipped to handle sensitive matters on their own, so they hire outside investigators as a third party who can help collect and analyze evidence.



Why do workplace investigations happen?

Investigations are usually triggered by two types of events — a complaint or an audit.

Complaints are raised by employees about their work experience, often about fellow employees. Investigators often become involved when a complaint is made, or when a company is audited.


Who runs the investigation?

There are different types of workplace investigations, and each comes with its own set of pros and cons.

Internal investigations – These are conducted in-house by HR or a business owner, who often have limited experience with investigating crimes. They’re usually more concerned with protecting the company’s reputation than gathering facts, so they may miss significant information that could help resolve the situation.

Third-party investigations – An outside agency handles the investigation, which could be particularly useful if your company has a lot of sensitive data that needs to be kept secure.

Law enforcement investigations – This is triggered by an arrest, charge, or other legal event. While the police can help with certain situations, they might not be able to investigate certain issues like discrimination claims.

Where do workplace investigations happen?

Investigators may conduct their interviews with both employees and employers at any location that’s convenient for both sides. The key is to make sure the location is private and confidential — that way, people can be honest without worrying that their words will be shared with other people or groups.

Some investigations will require the use of a private investigator’s office. Private investigators have experience with conducting interviews in an office environment, can maintain privacy and confidentiality, and are often better equipped to handle interview situations that may become volatile.


How long do Workplace Investigations take?

Investigations can take as little as a week or as long as several months, depending on the complexity of the issues involved.


Can we stop and restart an investigation after it’s been running for a while?

Yes. It’s not uncommon for an investigation to stall out or go off track, particularly if it’s an internal investigation. Sometimes, the parties involved stop cooperating with the process, or they may have trouble reaching a mutually satisfactory conclusion. But if you decide you need to restart the investigation, there are a couple of things to keep in mind.

You may need to write a new contract and pay for a new investigation
— So make sure you’re clear about what you want to investigate and what the parties are promising to deliver before you start. You may want to rebrand the investigation
— the retooled investigation can help you get back on track to a more successful conclusion.


What can we do to make workplace investigations easier?

There are a few steps you can take to make workplace investigations go as smoothly as possible for everyone involved.

Practice good record keeping — This can help you identify trends and improve your policies, helping to prevent future problems from arising.
Investigate each complaint thoroughly — Even if the complaint doesn’t turn out to be valid, you should learn from it.
Don’t ignore complaints — Even if they seem frivolous, they could be signposts to bigger issues.
Investigate fraud or theft promptly — These types of investigations need to be handled as urgently as possible.

If you hire an investigator, make sure you know what the investigator’s role is, and make sure the investigator understands that they are working for you.


What should we do if an employee files a complaint against us?

Sometimes, an investigation is initiated by an employee. If an employee files a complaint against your business, try to be as helpful as possible.

If you’re able to resolve the situation quickly, you might be able to end the investigation before it goes any further.


If you’re unable to resolve the situation quickly, try to get in touch with the employee’s representative as soon as possible. This helps you understand the employee’s concerns and gives you time to gather evidence that helps your side of the story.


What should we do if an employee files a complaint against another employee?

This is an investigation that you’ll need to run, perhaps with the help of HR.


If you receive a complaint about another employee, you first need to decide if the complaint is something you can handle. If it’s minor or internal company policy related, you may be able to handle it. If it’s serious or outside your ability to handle it, you need to escalate it so a different team can handle it, such as HR or the legal team.


Once you’ve decided what to do with the complaint, make sure you follow the appropriate process, whether it be in-house or through HR or engaging a professional investigation company.


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We're Investigation Experts, So You Don't Have To Be!

Many companies assign their HR representative to lead a Melbourne workplace investigation. This works occasionally but is generally regarded as a poor strategy.

Jolasers HR Investigations has a team of professional investigators who can conduct an impartial internal HR investigation for you. Their years of experience and expertise in this area make them the best choice for your organisation. 

Jolasers will conduct a thorough investigation into your employee’s allegations or complaints and provide you with a detailed report of their findings. 

Whether it is a serious allegation of misconduct or a dispute between employees, Jolasers can handle your HR investigation with professionalism and discretion. 

Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you. Call 0418 101 164 to discuss your workplace HR investigation needs.

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Info Regarding Workplace HR Investigations In Melbourne?


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Melbourne Bullying Investigations are THE Experts in All Things Related to Melbourne work place investigations. Do yourself a favor and get in touch with us right now.


Melbourne Workplace Bullying Investigation video

The Importance of Human Resources Investigation for Employers

Human resources investigation is a broad term used to describe the investigative activities undertaken by an employer when there is some form of misconduct, poor performance, or other issue that needs to be resolved.


Given its importance as one of the main pillars of any business, we have put together this article so you know exactly what Human Resources Investigation entails and why it’s so important for your company.


Why is HR Investigation Melbourne Important?

Many businesses have clear policies and procedures in place for dealing with employee issues, especially in relation to terminations. Unfortunately, this is not always the case and even when policies are in place, they are often not followed.


When an HR investigation is not performed, you could lose key staff, incur unnecessary expenses, and even face legal issues.


An investigation is necessary to determine what went wrong and why. It gives you a clear idea of what the problem is and how it can be resolved. It allows you to have a record of what occurred, who was involved and when. This can help prevent misunderstandings, especially if the issue is ongoing and in relation to more than one employee. It can help strengthen your company policies and procedures by providing you with a clear idea of what went wrong and how to prevent it.


When is Melbourne HR Investigation Necessary?

A thorough investigation by HR is often necessary when:

There is a suspicion of fraud or other criminal activity, particularly when you’re dealing with public or government funds.     Anyone who has access to these funds must undergo a thorough background check to ensure they’re not a criminal.


You have an employee who is underperforming. If an employee is not meeting their goals, is frequently taking sick days, or is otherwise not pulling their weight you need to determine what the problem is and how to resolve it.


You have an employee who is not working out. Whether they’re exhibiting unacceptable behavior or are just unable to do their job, you need to determine what the problem is and how to resolve it.


Types of Human Resources Investigations

There are many types of human resources investigations, and the type of investigation you conduct will depend on the issue at hand.

The most common types of HR investigations are:


Background Check – A background check is used to determine the past work history of your potential or current employees. You can also use a background check to determine the criminal history of your employees. A background check is often done through a private investigator.


Employee Theft Investigation – Employee theft happens when an employee steals from their employer. In this type of HR investigation, you will likely have your employees fill out a detailed timesheet tracking their time. You will also likely have supervisors oversee their employees in order to prevent theft.


Employee Termination Investigation – When you terminate an employee, you will almost always need to do some form of HR investigation. This is because you will want to know if they have committed any wrongful acts or if they are entitled to any benefits.


Sexual Harassment Investigation – Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination that happens when an employer or other employees in a workplace make unwanted sexual advances on a fellow employee. This could also include comments or other acts that are offensive.


Wrongful Termination Investigation – When an employee is fired, they may file a wrongful termination lawsuit against you. In order to avoid paying out on these lawsuits, you will want to determine if the termination was warranted.


The Importance of Due Diligence in HR Investigation

When an employee is terminated, you will most likely have to provide them with a form of due diligence. This is done to let the employee know that their termination is not linked to discrimination, wrongful termination, or some other issue. For example, if you terminate an employee for poor performance, you would need to issue them a form of due diligence.


When issuing termination due diligence forms, you will likely have to provide them with a reason for termination. This is where due diligence in HR investigation comes into play. If you do not have proper reasons for termination, you could face legal issues. You will want to make sure that your reasons for termination are valid and that they are not discriminatory in any way.



A human resources investigation is necessary in virtually any business environment. Whether it’s to determine if an employee has stolen from the company, or if there has been sexual harassment in the workplace, HR investigations are essential to a company’s success.


When conducting an HR investigation, you should make sure that you follow the correct protocol and that you gather as much evidence as possible. This will make it easier to come to a conclusion and will also protect you from any false accusations.


HR investigations can be fraught with danger and therefore it is advisable to engage Jolasers to undertake your workplace investigation.


Jolasers have a long history of providing professional workplace bullying investigations. You may wish to consider engaging us to conduct an investigation into any workplace investigations that you have.


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Frequently Asked Questions.
What are the complexities of a HR Investigation

The first complexity is determining whether or not an investigation is actually needed. This can be difficult to assess, as it may require looking into sensitive and personal employee information.


Once it is determined that an investigation is needed, the next issue is deciding who will conduct the investigation. This is important, as the investigator needs to be impartial and objective.


The next step is to gather evidence. This can be difficult, as employees may be reluctant to share information.


After evidence is gathered, the next complexity is deciding what to do with it. This can be difficult, as there may be conflicting information or there may not be enough evidence to make a determination.


The next step is establishing the facts of the case and determining whether the facts constitute misconduct and applying the relevant company policies.


The investigator must then make a determination as to whether the misconduct warrants disciplinary action and deciding on the appropriate disciplinary action.


Finally, the last complexity is communicating the results of the investigation to the relevant parties. This can be difficult, as it may be necessary to share sensitive information.


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Has An Employee Made A Complaint That Needs To Be Investigated?

Are you weighing up whether to investigate the matter internally, and can you be confident an internal  investigation would be impartial?

If you conduct an internal investigation, you run the risk of one of the parties alleging the investigation was biased against them. 

Should the complaint end up in a Fairwork Australia hearing, are you confident an internal investigation would be seen as fair?

Since 2005 Jolasers Workplace Investigations has built a reputation for conducting thorough and decisive investigations into all types of workplace issues around Melbourne.


We have undertaken complex workplace investigations in the following areas:

  • Bullying

  • Harassment

  • HR Matters

  • Sexual Harassment

  • Fraud


As an independent and professional private investigations company, we are dedicated to revealing facts through meticulous evidence collection, detailed interviews, and comprehensive data analysis. Our approach ensures that every decision you make is informed and legally defensible.


We have conducted investigations in a multitude of businesses, including local government, universities, the disability sector, construction and numerous other small to medium sized businesses.


We have a long history of conducting workplace investigations where all persons involved believed they were treated fairly and with respect. This is important in limiting the damage to relationships in the workplace as much as possible. 

We believe that we can quickly build rapport with all persons involved and make the process as easy as possible for all persons involved. People are generally nervous when faced with a workplace investigation interview, and we try and make the process as pain free for all participants as possible, at the same time ensuring we obtain detailed and accurate information.

If you have received a complaint, you need to act fast as these types of issues tend to quickly escalate, and can be costly, especially if a person is suspended on full pay as a result of the complaint.


Contact us on 0418 101 164 today for a free initial confidential discussion.

Act now! Resolve any issues in your business quickly with Jolasers professinal workplace investigations.


Call Stephen Oliver anytime on 0418 101 164 to discuss your Melbourne Workplace Investigation needs.


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Melbourne Workplace Investigations

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Different types of workplace investigations undertaken by Jolasers

Discrimination InvestigationA discrimination investigation is conducted when an employee alleges unfair treatment based on protected characteristics such as race, gender, age, religion, or disability. The investigation aims to determine if discrimination has occurred and to take appropriate action to address it.
Harassment InvestigationHarassment investigations are initiated when an employee reports unwelcome behavior, such as verbal, physical, or sexual harassment, creating a hostile work environment. The investigation aims to gather evidence, interview relevant parties, and take necessary steps to prevent further harassment and ensure a safe workplace.
Retaliation InvestigationRetaliation investigations occur when an employee claims adverse actions were taken against them in response to engaging in protected activities, such as reporting misconduct or participating in a workplace investigation. The investigation aims to determine if retaliation occurred and to protect the employee from further harm.
Misconduct InvestigationMisconduct investigations are conducted when an employee is suspected of violating company policies, rules, or ethical standards. The investigation involves gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and determining the appropriate disciplinary actions, which may include warnings, suspensions, or termination.
Whistleblower InvestigationWhistleblower investigations are initiated when an employee reports illegal or unethical activities within the organization. The investigation aims to protect the whistleblower, gather evidence, and take appropriate actions to address the reported misconduct, which may involve legal measures or internal reforms.
Workplace Violence InvestigationWorkplace violence investigations are conducted when there are reports or concerns about threats, physical assaults, or other violent incidents in the workplace. The investigation aims to assess the situation, ensure employee safety, and implement preventive measures to mitigate the risk of future violence.
How to Deal with a Workplace Investigations

A workplace investigation involves a detailed review of an employee’s conduct or performance at work. It is often initiated by the employer when they suspect an employee of misconduct.


Workplace investigations can be scary and challenging, but you don’t need to stress. There are strategies you can use to manage the process and protect your interests.

The scope of a workplace investigation may vary depending on the nature of your role or organisation, but it will almost always involve some form of verbal or document interview with HR representatives, colleagues, managers, or third-party investigators.


This article covers how a workplace investigation works, what kind of issues they usually involve, how to prepare for one and what to do if you receive notification that you’re being investigated at work.


What Is a Workplace Investigation?

A workplace investigation is a review conducted by HR, management or a dedicated Investigations company to understand an employee’s conduct or behaviour at work.


The workplace investigation may be initiated for a number of reasons, including:

– A complaint from a colleague, client, or customer.

– A serious accident or injury that may have been caused by an employee’s negligence.
– An allegation of sexual harassment or discrimination.
– Suspicion of fraud or theft of company assets.
– A major violation of company policies.
– An incident that may result in disciplinary action against an employee.
– Concerns about an employee’s ability to perform their role which may require reassignment due to health or safety reasons.


Reasons for a workplace investigations

Workplace investigations are not punishments, but an ordinary part of business. They are a way for organisations to resolve complaints and achieve a fair outcome.

When workplace investigations are conducted correctly, they can improve morale and trust in leadership, as well as protect employees from discrimination and other forms of misconduct.


There are a number of reasons why your employer may choose to open an investigation. It could be due to the nature of your work, a serious accident, or a written complaint. It may also be a result of company policy violations, fraud allegations, or a misunderstanding between you and a colleague or manager.


An employer will conduct an investigation if they suspect that an employee has done something wrong, even if the employee doesn’t think they have done anything wrong. They will be trying to find out what actually happened. It’s important to know that an employer should not assume that an employee is guilty just because they are conducting an investigation.


What happens during a workplace investigation?

In general, investigative processes is meant to be fair and balanced, but the particular process and outcome of each investigation can vary from organisation to organisation.


During the investigation, an employee will likely be asked to provide pertinent documents and be interviewed by the person conducting the investigation. This may occur in person or remotely through video conferencing.


Employee Rights During an Investigation

There are a few basic rights that employees should be aware of during the investigative process. An investigation doesn’t always result in disciplinary action. It can be used to gather information and clarify events that were previously misunderstood.


An employee has the right to know why they are being investigated.
– They have the right to know what rule they broke or what part of their job they are being investigated for.
– An employee also has the right to representation.
– They have the right to receive a fair investigation.
– An employee has the right to not participate in the investigation but that is usually a poor decision as the investigator will interview all parties and therefore if you refuse to participate in the investigation, you lose the opportunity to present your version of events.

Strategies for Employees to manage the process

There are certain strategies and best practices that you can use to help you manage the investigative process and protect your interests.

Stay Calm. If you’ve received a notification about an investigation, it’s normal to be anxious. You should take some time to compose yourself and gather your thoughts before you respond to a request for information.


Understand the investigation process. Depending on the nature of the investigation, you may have to provide documentation, access to your computer, or interview with HR representatives, managers, or third-party investigators. Be prepared for a long process if you have a lot of information to gather for your employer.


Gather all information required by your employer. This includes providing copies of written communications, digital records, and supporting documentation to help clarify the events in question.


Plan your response. Rushing to respond to an investigation notification may result in a mistake. It’s recommended to take some time to construct a thoughtful and thorough response.


Get help if you need it. If you feel that you don’t have the skills to handle the investigation on your own, get some help.


Keep an open mind. You don’t know what events led up to the investigation, so you don’t know what details may be missing from your perspective.


Be respectful. If you receive a letter or email from your employer regarding an investigation, be respectful and respond accordingly.


Stay positive. You are likely under a lot of stress, but try to stay positive and focused on the outcome that you want.


Don’t jump to conclusions. It’s easy to assume that you know what led up to the investigation, but you don’t. Keep an open mind and let the investigation play out.


Don’t self-impose disciplinary action. During an investigation, it’s normal to be frustrated and feel that you want to jump in and fix what you think is wrong. Resist the urge to impose disciplinary action on yourself. Let the process play out and let your employer make the final decision.



An investigation usually happens when someone has reported a problem. It could be a colleague, customer, or manager.


Employees are not required to participate in an investigation if they don’t feel comfortable doing so. However, it is generally a good idea to participate to provide your version of events.


An employee has the right to remain silent and decline to answer any questions.. Even if you are not the one being investigated, an investigation can be stressful and scary. Stay calm, take care of yourself, and follow these tips to help manage the process and protect your interests.


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Workplace Investigations FAQ

What is a workplace investigation?

An investigation is when you hire a team to look into an allegation raised against your business. The goal is to find out what happened, which can be helpful for HR, for the company’s insurance, and for the people involved.


Investigations can be any misconduct claim, including sexual harassment, discrimination, fraud, theft, and more. Sometimes, HR departments aren’t equipped to handle sensitive matters on their own, so they hire outside investigators as a third party who can help collect and analyze evidence.



Why do workplace investigations happen?

Investigations are usually triggered by two types of events — a complaint or an audit.

Complaints are raised by employees about their work experience, often about fellow employees. Investigators often become involved when a complaint is made, or when a company is audited.


Who runs the investigation?

There are different types of workplace investigations, and each comes with its own set of pros and cons.

Internal investigations – These are conducted in-house by HR or a business owner, who often have limited experience with investigating crimes. They’re usually more concerned with protecting the company’s reputation than gathering facts, so they may miss significant information that could help resolve the situation.

Third-party investigations – An outside agency handles the investigation, which could be particularly useful if your company has a lot of sensitive data that needs to be kept secure.

Law enforcement investigations – This is triggered by an arrest, charge, or other legal event. While the police can help with certain situations, they might not be able to investigate certain issues like discrimination claims.

Where do workplace investigations happen?

Investigators may conduct their interviews with both employees and employers at any location that’s convenient for both sides. The key is to make sure the location is private and confidential — that way, people can be honest without worrying that their words will be shared with other people or groups.

Some investigations will require the use of a private investigator’s office. Private investigators have experience with conducting interviews in an office environment, can maintain privacy and confidentiality, and are often better equipped to handle interview situations that may become volatile.


How long do Workplace Investigations take?

Investigations can take as little as a week or as long as several months, depending on the complexity of the issues involved.


Can we stop and restart an investigation after it’s been running for a while?

Yes. It’s not uncommon for an investigation to stall out or go off track, particularly if it’s an internal investigation. Sometimes, the parties involved stop cooperating with the process, or they may have trouble reaching a mutually satisfactory conclusion. But if you decide you need to restart the investigation, there are a couple of things to keep in mind.

You may need to write a new contract and pay for a new investigation
— So make sure you’re clear about what you want to investigate and what the parties are promising to deliver before you start. You may want to rebrand the investigation
— the retooled investigation can help you get back on track to a more successful conclusion.


What can we do to make workplace investigations easier?

There are a few steps you can take to make workplace investigations go as smoothly as possible for everyone involved.

Practice good record keeping — This can help you identify trends and improve your policies, helping to prevent future problems from arising.
Investigate each complaint thoroughly — Even if the complaint doesn’t turn out to be valid, you should learn from it.
Don’t ignore complaints — Even if they seem frivolous, they could be signposts to bigger issues.
Investigate fraud or theft promptly — These types of investigations need to be handled as urgently as possible.

If you hire an investigator, make sure you know what the investigator’s role is, and make sure the investigator understands that they are working for you.


What should we do if an employee files a complaint against us?

Sometimes, an investigation is initiated by an employee. If an employee files a complaint against your business, try to be as helpful as possible.

If you’re able to resolve the situation quickly, you might be able to end the investigation before it goes any further.


If you’re unable to resolve the situation quickly, try to get in touch with the employee’s representative as soon as possible. This helps you understand the employee’s concerns and gives you time to gather evidence that helps your side of the story.


What should we do if an employee files a complaint against another employee?

This is an investigation that you’ll need to run, perhaps with the help of HR.


If you receive a complaint about another employee, you first need to decide if the complaint is something you can handle. If it’s minor or internal company policy related, you may be able to handle it. If it’s serious or outside your ability to handle it, you need to escalate it so a different team can handle it, such as HR or the legal team.


Once you’ve decided what to do with the complaint, make sure you follow the appropriate process, whether it be in-house or through HR or engaging a professional investigation company.


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Melbourne Vic 3004